Customizing With Tame Settings Files

Tame options are stored in configuration files with a TAM extension.  Settings changed using the GUI menus are automatically saved based on the shortcut name and user.     Other settings require editing a configuration file.   You may have noticed there are several configuration files - so which file should this new option be added to?  The answer depends on who or what the option applies to.

·  Global options             Options for all DOS sessions on this machine

·  User Preference         Options for an individual user

·  Application Setup       Application-specific (e.g. Tuning, UI additions)

·  Shortcut Options         Options in effect when a specific shortcut is launched

Also, consider when the settings should be in effect:

·  System default that may be overridden

·  System Policy that is always in effect

·  Application Policy in effect while a specific app is running

·  Options that may be changed with the user interface

For multi-user machines, some options may depend on the client classification:

·  Options that apply only to Admin or Non admin users

·   Options in effect based on the user connection type (Terminal Client, Telnet, Workstation)

System, Shortcut and User options are in applied when the VDM process starts up.  Application options are activated when the application launches, and are reverted on exit.  They may also be reverted temporarily while a sub program runs.

Some applications consist of multiple executable modules that handle different functions of the application.  In this case, all the modules are logically one application.  Tame will treat them as one application as long as they have a common config file. I.e. options are not changed on entry or reverted on exit while chaining within the application.

Global Settings

Settings that apply to all DOS applications should be added to an existing file in the Tame\Settings folder.  There are a few files to choose from.   In most cases, use _ProcessStartup.init.tam.  This file includes default settings that apply system-wide, but may be overridden for any application or user.   If the settings are to be enforced, choose an alternate file to disallow specific overrides.

_ProcessStartup.override.tam                     No exceptions/override for user or shortcut configuration

_AppStartup.override.tam                            No exceptions/override for application configuration

_SystemPolicy.override.tam                        No exceptions/override

Application Configuration

Tuning, User Interface or other customization for a specific application should be available to all users of the application, and placed in an application configuration file.

In most cases, application configuration files should be in the application folder.   As an alternative, the tame\Settings folder may be use for an individual application.

1.  If there is a single executable, name the file:  <exename>.tam  (e.g.  MyApp.exe.tam).  This may be created automaticly using the admin menu item to configure this app.

2.  If settings apply to multiple executables in that folder, use a name that describes the app subsystem.   (e.g.  Also, create a file named _default.tam and add one line:  @   In this case, the modules are logically one application.  Tame will treat them as one application as long as they have a common config file. i.e. options are not changed on entry or reverted on exit while chaining within the application.  Note if a different config should be used with one executable, create a <exename>.tam file for that application.